Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Uniformed individuality

Isn't it scary, how teens/young adults today pretty much dress the same. Along with there uniformed individuality though comes a identity problem. Now you could argue its the stores that sell pretty much the same things fault or the t.v and *cough* *cough* "leaders of our society." (celeBRATies) fault for show our young generation how to behave. But no, I believe Its our fault, we choose what we wear and how we act. Its the fear of being different and being considered a outcast that holds the majority back. Notice I didn't say all because there are quite a more than a few fearless ones who take a stand, some with out even knowing it. But for the other teens/young adults trying to find there own identity in a world where your either goth, prep, ghetto, or understated ( jeans and a tee). Explore outside your comfort zone, go for that look you've always loved but were to scared to wear. Take a stand be who you really need to be- you. If you let your friends dictate what you wear, your setting yourself up to be a follower for the rest of your life.

Until next time, Bootz-N-Bottles

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